
well,im sort of lazy to type out the whole event,so..

Today's VIVIEN TAN's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAN ORH XIN! Brian, Toby william, Adriel, Janrez, JOSH, Becca, Lsm, Vien, Phy nd I went t Vivo t celebrate Vien's birthday. We waited for Janrez, JOSH nd Adriel at Yishun for like ONE HOUR-.- so after 20days,vivien is back uh. i really dont miss her much,and i dunno why the HECK the girls cried outside candy empire. SOT one lah,haha.for three years they are lidat =D. i thought i could see xinen's ex,but,well she wont tell me and i dont have luck. HAHA. Brian bought the girls chocolates! Lsm nd Phy had champagne flavour, Becca nd julene had rum while Vien had dark choco! All were niceeee -yumyum:D Lsm got Josh candy sticks nd he shared w us -one each! How niceeeee:D So we took many pictures of it. julene love my guailan kingdom:D We tried t catch a movie there, tried all movies but no avail-.- what cff ke ke xi li-.- A asian film fest show. Nd Jonis promise? A foreign movie-.- What fuck. All of us slacked nd walked around [didnt shop] so Vien got pissed>;( Brian, Becca, Vien nd julene went t sky garden, others went t buy cake nd food. Waited for them for an hour-.- they bought cheese cake, yakult, mini cornetto, chips nd Toby(thats me) bought a rose for Vien! Ex couple, lmao! Josh ran t Vien nd gave her the rose "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Josh is uper duper cuteeee!We partied there!:D its damn fun! Janrez did catwork nd shaking of his butt. Lsm did london bridge walk nd shouting of pornstar. Vien Vdanced her OMB dance. Adriel nd Brian fucked the pillars w the effect of "awwwww" moanings. LOL! Toby, Lsm, Jan, Becca, Phy, Brian nd I sang Happy birthday song t Vien in the water! vivien are you touched? :D Bus-ing back t Yishun was fun! We didnt have a seat so we stood through out the WHOLE journey-.- 1hour! Falling here nd there, singing nd blabla- we got scolded! Lmao. When the bus jerked infront, everybody flewwwww infront. Josh was like " Im okay! [showing us the okay sign]" He's so damn cute but he has a gf alr>;( Everybody trained home, leaving Josh, Jan nd I<;) I miss Janrez>;( Its like end of last yearrrrr>;( sometimes, he seems gentle, sometimes, he seems a joker- pretty fun, sometimes he's serious:D

{10%mine, 90% copied from Julene Ang Si Min's blog->}


i stayed at home all day!
it was freaking boring.
xinen messaged me in the morning.
and LUCKILY she did,cause i found my ear stick missing.
and LUCKILY i found it,cause my other 10 ear sticks just WONT fit.
what the hell-.-
i think my hole nearly closed,had a hard time putting it back.
so i play my co instrument,sleep,eat,play com,play instrument,sleep,eat. yea and sleep.


went to co.
saw dylan and sanchia with their parents at the school gate.
wondering what the heck is goin on.
then later heard from them that they transfering school.
Bye twins,ill miss ya T.T
ah siz nearly killed me during co.
she didnt play with me,so when conductor picked on me,i was like so nervous.
keep playin wrong note :l

after co rushed back home then go cwp again.
met up with lsm to go yishun.
when we reached chong fu primary,it was like 7.30,when the dance suppose to start at 7.
wow,the school totally "tock" our school.
got huge pond somemore leh.
and the dance studio is bigger than ours.
double sided mirror!
felt weird when i went in,so many strangers,all older then both of us.
so the teacher taught us ballroom dance.
kinda easy,i managed to learn faster than lsm.
i even taught her how to move. HAHA.
so slow=p jkjk.
theres this guy in white,lsm say hes SOO cute.
until someone asked him "how old are you?"
*ahem* (8-12 years old sweety tone) : "18"
LOL. we really laughed our ass off.
i guessed hes in choir? lol.
danced till 9.30,then went home.


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